Fhang Candy... because you simply can not get enough. Its so delicious you cant help but stick your fhangs into it. So delicious its fhangalicious.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

It is officially 2011 now... some say what you do on the first of January (i think its the 1st Jan, not entirely positive lol) you will do for the rest of the year! But i am sure most people simply look forward to the new year so they can make a new start on their old habits... Like eating deserts at 10pm and making the resolution to diet but then goes straight to KFC on the same day! And i wanted to start the year by not only waking up late with an Amy Whinehouse birdnest style hairstyle but to create and present a skin that is nothing like what i have done so far!

The creation process is complete and it may already be onsale but i want to formally introduce the skin I have been waiting a very long time to create. Its name is Precious...
This skin is MY new year message telling myself to try something new and fresh, be adventurous and enjoy myself. Because at the end of the day in RL and SL we are our own No#1 fan, best friend and worst enemy... A wise friend of mine in SL told me "the relationship you have with yourself is most important" (she said this was from sex in? the city... but eh its still true lolz).
The skin has this innocent look about it which can be either made more known or sexed up to look quite interesting. I put out christmas/newyear makeups as a free groupgift yesterday... I know christmas has gone a long time ago but its all good in the hood ;P First time i have done a style card so please dont scream if its just too messy and strange haha

I hope you all like this skin as much as i do. It comes in all 6 skintones that i make (there are 4 diferent styles of cleavages in the same skintones to match too!) and features a hairbase option. This skin is great for child avatars also so deffinately check out the skins :)
